Bredesen May Compare Senate Democrats to ‘Circus’ for Kavanaugh Hearings, But They Donated $30,000 to Campaign

Democrats have turned Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination into a circus, U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen said, and the Tennessee Republican Party has released a new ad to point out his ties to those Democrats.

The ad is available to watch here.

Four Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have donated money to Bredesen’s campaign. The senators are: Cory Booker (D-NJ), $5,000; Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), $10,000; Kamala Harris (D-CA), $10,000; and Dick Durbin (D-IL), $5,000.

The GOP cited this campaign finance report in a press release.

“Phil Bredesen says he’s ’embarrassed’ by his fellow Democrats’ antics, but it’s hard to take his complaints seriously when he’s received tens of thousands of dollars in donations from those very same people,” Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden said in the press release. “The makeup of the Supreme Court is a priority for Tennesseans. Phil should quit waffling and tell them where he stands.”

Former Tennessee Governor Bredesen said he cannot make a decision until he has more time to watch the confirmation hearings and study the selection, according to a story in The Tennessean.

The Democratic candidate, who is pro-abortion, said Kavanaugh’s pro-life stance would not matter to him if he could vote. He told reporters that Kavanaugh’s position on abortion is “certainly not as important to me as it is for some Democrats.”

Bredesen said that he’s “embarrassed by the circus” in the confirmation hearings — and he’s pointing at both Democrats and Republicans, the Associated Press reported. Republicans are “running this thing through in a way that I don’t think was the founders’ intent.” Some Democrats involved in the hearings have acted as presidential candidates.

Bredesen’s opponent, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-0-7) has expressed her support for Kavanaugh.

“Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a strong constitutionalist with a proven track record of upholding the rule of law,” Blackburn said.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.








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3 Thoughts to “Bredesen May Compare Senate Democrats to ‘Circus’ for Kavanaugh Hearings, But They Donated $30,000 to Campaign”

  1. […] Bredesen has said he needs more time to study the months-long nomination, The Tennessee Star reported. The Democratic candidate, who has admitted he is pro-abortion, also said Kavanaugh’s pro-life […]

  2. […] by Democrats’ treatment of Kavanaugh in the confirmation hearings, the Tennessee Star reported earlier this week, citing a story in The […]

  3. paulJ

    Phil just hates partisanship. He’s so bi-partisan. Well, sure he would vote for Kagan, Ginsburg, Breyer and Sotomayor an hour after they were nominated because they were such “mainstream” nominees, but when it comes to people like Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, he would’ve needed time to really study the nominees. At least enough time for Schumer or his Democrat boss(es) to tell him how to oppose the nominee.
